My Circle
Let's get started...
Below you can download the PDF document that you will need for this and the following 2 sections. This is a chart of the Circle of Clarity.
The Circle Of Clarity – My Circle
Have you ever felt so happy one day and totally down the next? Today everything is right with the world and you’re brimming over with gratitude… when you look again the world is falling apart and you can’t take another day of it.
Or maybe you have this nagging feeling that you just aren’t where you are meant to be. Something is missing and you can’t put your finger on it. Or maybe you can, but you don’t know where to begin.
A lot of work has been done on discovering different ways that people experience happiness and what drives their behavior. One of the ways for us to pinpoint what is lacking from our lives is the Circle of Clarity. This is the tool we are going to be using in module 1 of Unstuck.
If you’ve downloaded the PDF attachment, you will see this diagram. On the first page are general options on each segment. The second page is blank so here, you can fill in your own options. Divide the circle into areas of your life that are important to you. Label them in a way that matches your own life. Remember, each person is different and it’s more important for this to work for you than for it to look like someone else’s. And… there are no right and wrong answers.
For example: We have family and friends together. These 2 sections could be completely separate for you. You may want to split health into exercise & healthy eating. Or gym / weights / running. The examples are just there to guide you. If you’re really stuck, ask someone close to you. You can also send me an email at [email protected] or you can ask in the Facebook Group. Remember, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
Once you have that laid out, you’re done with the first step. I’d just like to remind you at this point that it is so important to take the time to follow the steps and really lean in to the process. If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely signed up to 100 courses, bought 100 books and taken 100 questionnaires. Self-development is really a quality, and not a quantity project. You are more likely to get better results just focusing on one project, and rather going deep on it.
In the next step, we will start measuring the different areas. See you on the other side.